Wednesday 25 January 2012

My old indecision

While I’ve been studying psychology the last 5 years, there were many episodes when I had many doubts about my future and about if this career is the most adequate for me. Maybe I decided what to study when I was too young and, clearly, I was not sure about my real vocation. 

I always have liked the teaching. Still I love it. But, maybe two years ago, I was seriously thinking about leaving this career and starting Pedagogy in History. I really like to learn and know about geography, maps, countries, and also I like History topics. For many months, I was sure that was my real vocation. But then, when I had opportunities to talk with people who were studying that, I understand what so difficult is teaching in schools. The children aren’t the problem for me; I don’t like the working climate of schools, because my parents are school inspectors and they always suffer some exclusion from the teacher’s team or the directives. 

Also, a important factor that had influence on that was my poor academic state. In 2009, I was having many problems with some subjects and I was very near to be kicked from the University. So, when I thought to emigrate to Pedagogy, I was thinking on return to the south and study in Temuco, in Universidad de la Frontera. Well, that didn’t happen and today I’m finalizing my carrer here. 

Sometimes I think if I would have changed to Pedagogy in History, maybe today I would be a good student but without some too important things I learnt in Psychology and, overall, I like my career because I turn on a more emphatic person and I’ve understood important things about human relationships in all contexts. 

1 comment:

  1. I’m glad you stayed in psychology, anyway your still young to study any other career that you like.
